Dear Diary,
As part of my “Celebrate Natural Beauty” week commemorations, I decided to ditch my STILLETOS.
This week has been great because of several reasons but especially because I am just enjoying been free from make up...Earrings...Weaves…Heels and all traces of synthetic beauty.
So, this decision couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time as yesterday (3days into my appreciation of natural beauty), I was approached my supervisor at work to say that word has it that I am over dressed to work.
So ‘m sitting in his office! of all things to get in trouble for..OVERDRESSING TO WORK?!?
Are you kidding me? When you called me here sir, I thought I’d gotten into some serious trouble like facebooking at work or blogging during work hours definitely not DRESSING UP.
Weird eh? Anywayz, he went on to explain that due to the nature of the job (social work) and the social strata of the people I work with, it can be intimidating to clients. And he duly noted that..”I don’t have a problem with it” but other managers do and surprisingly, today you’re fine..(OBVIOUSLY, I’m dressing down for the week) . I didn’t say that though..LOL
Anywayz, that been said , theres a lot of reasons ladies are in heels today..i always dress up cuz I guess that’s how I feel when I wake up..upbeat..dressy…ready to take on the world(lol) some ladies prefer to keep it to outings , parties, church . There’s just sumthin wearing heels does to an outfit like it adds that extra umph, has the ability to transform a crappy vest or simple tank to sumthing great & wow.
Lately, its been killin me sofly cuz I realize I always have someplace to be and since I don’t drive yet, ‘m in heels for up to 12hours a day for 7days a week!!
Detrimental eh?? I think so but probably not as serious as you thought. Research showz that wearing flat soles could be just as bad if not worse than wearing heels.
And if you were feeling sorry for me, check this out…I think these belong to the Musuem!
Alexander McQueens Summer 2010 Collection
-As much I applaud the magic of the STILLETOS and its effect on my closet, I appreciate how down to earth my feet feels in these loafers. I hear the sounds of praise busting out from my toes
-Whether you’re flat soler or a high roller, soaking your feet in warm water and rubbing your hand thru def does some good to dem feet
-I know we all are aware that true beauty comes from within. With that been said, take some time to acknowledge that inner beauty and take the one week self esteem challenge with me. Go for a BIG party in an all Natural way and present yourself to the world in your most NATURAL state.
- Heels or no heels, lip stick or not, weave or not, I am a beautiful woman, hear me ROAR!
Yours Truly
Ehi Bourgeoisie
Great article! What a coincidence that you were dressed down the week your boss decided to mention this concern to you. I applaud you for the boldness to be yourself! Especially going without makeup, which isn't always easy :) But from personal experience, your skin will thank you for it.
am with you on the one week self esteem challenge!
i don't earrings are dressy but hey, to each his own. I leave the heels for weddings...
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