Dear Diary,
It’s a new day, the sun rays are bursting through the seams of my curtains and I’m forced to roll out of bed and my first thought after whispering “thank you lord for a new day” is how can I worship God today?
A few weeks ago I watched the funeral and feature on the passing of NDP leader in Canada, Jack Layton and something spectacular stayed in my thoughts after the clip. They took viewers though the life and times of the political party leader and we learned that he was a man of sound character and judgement. He sparked the interest of young people in politics and cared for all in a special way. Amongst all , when asked how he gave back, his response amazed me…he said I’m always worshipping, every thing I do is with worship. I sat down attempting to process the information for a little while…does he mean he prays and lifts his hands and worships all day?
Quickly, he said I see everything I do as a way of worship…in my work, leisure, playtime, family time and as a leader, I worship. Wow! How profound is that? Worship is not restricted to lifting ‘holy hands’ and bowing heads in churches and mosques but should emcompass all that we do on a daily basis.
We are mandated to worship our maker with the talent and giftings that is deposited within us and whether that is a singing, cooking, fashion, Engineering or speaking talent, the efficient and consistent application of ourselves is what constitutes worship.
This is an idea I just got familiar with and I thought I’d share.
Yours in worship
Bourgy Babe
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Seasons change, why not i?
I heard my alarm go off and I reach for it and just after I punched the snooze button, I look outside my window, theres no light! No sun ray! Its not yet 6am..but why did I my alarm go off? %&^*#!! *lonnnggg hiss* stupid alarm! After what I remember to be a combination of cussing and inaudible rubbish, I attempted to tuck myself back to my duvet as it felt unusually chilly today but sleep just wouldnt come back.
Ah well, at least I get to buy some time and get around to my morning duties before starting my day, I thought...But as I finally got around to moving my sleepy self out of bed, I caught sight of my clock..7am?!? How???
Ahh…fall was here in all its glory..little wonder, it felt chilly this morning…whoa, just like that, my sizzling, hot, summer was gone,..As I scan my wardrobe for a sweater, I had a brief bbm discussion with a friend on the very essence of seasons and change so I thought I might share.
Up or down? Happy or sad? Rich or poor? Cold or hot? Things just don’t stay in a place of rest..its an ever changing..dynamic ..rotating world. Just as the weather and seasons change, something’s in our lives cant just remain the same. The good news is if its not been going well, now it will.
Speaking of seasons, I do not see any decent fall attire in my wardrobe, shopping anyone?
Monday, August 29, 2011
Times have changed, get with it!
“My hope tank for Nigeria is depleted”, “Bombing in Nigeria?? Chai, we can Forlow, forlow”, “Who/what the hell is Boko Haram”, “Pray for Nigeria”. These were some of the tweets and status updates that I woke up to. My thoughts on this issue goes as such, as long as the leadership of Nigeria continues to tolerate nuisance, we shall see more of these gruesome acts…On the other hand, violence on any level is just one of many sure ways to get the world’s attention and saying that a bomb blast is a terrible thing to do is an understatement.
Some time ago, I read that the U.S had removed Nigeria from the list of countries with terrorist-tic tendencies and I thought of course, are you kidding? Call us anything you want just don’t refer to us to suicide bombers...nah.
The DNA of a Nigerian has no traces of killing- oneself- to- support –a- cause as that requires an undeniable serving of passion and most of us don’t have that hunger or appetite for positive change or any type of change for that matter. In my mind, that used to be the case but permit me to say that changing and with the rise of technology, one of the perks of having a global village is that as the world gets smaller and closer with internet , people have also learned creative and ingenious to voice their concerns some of which are downright destructive just like the recent incidence.
I think leaders at all levels need to be cognizant of the fact that not meeting the people’s needs or fulfilling expectations might have gone unnoticed in previous times but times have changed and there is less tolerance for sloth and indolence. I’m not claiming to understand the reasons or rationale behind the recent bombing of the UN building in Nigeria but I think this should serve as a wake- up call to the leaders of state that people will go extreme lengths to get heard and we need to implore modern tactics of communication and leadership and move with the times.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Child like Tendencies
Dear Diary,
I am convinced that every thing one needs to know to survive can be learned from watching little children. It’s a wonderful day to be alive and I’m thankful. Over the weekend, I had my little angel over to spend time with me…and she must have thought it was an invitation to a carousel. I chased, screamed, threatened, yelled, pacified, consoled, loved, laughed but best of all , I communicated with her. My god daughter is only two and I made up my mind to NOT discipline her by spanking…I wanted to try out a different restraining style. There were times, she’d do things to deliberately push my buttons, like empty a huge bag of make up on my white bed sheet, attempt to pull me up with my braids or take my laptop and throw it on the ground, I understood she just wanted my attention, at least that was what I was taught.
Anyways, I survived the weekend and needless to say I did nothing on the weekend other than constantly clean and return things back to the original position however, I learned a lot from my 2yr old boss. It did not matter how many times I made her cry either by scolding or forcing her to eat, she will still run back to me in her tears and give me a kiss..almost like she forgot I jst made her cry
Lesson #1: Forgive and move on
So as part of my plan to avoid using a cane and utilizing other disciplinary measures, this past weekend I made sure to listen to baby angel more and explain her actions to her and the consequences surprisingly, it worked! I have learned that just like adults, children like to be respected and the best way to teach respect to anyone is to be respectful to them and that means, suspending the yelling and scolding till you’re indoors.
Lesson # 2: No one wants to be told they messed up in the presence of others. Save the correction till you are alone with makes for effective communication and builds respect.
I’m making rather surprising discoveries with my 2 yr old…bah boo..and da da don’t always make for good progressive lingo. Babies are intelligent beings too…and the faster you develop their intelligence the easier it is. How does baby angel know how to turn on the tv, operate the DVD and watch Dora the explorer without any help whatsoever? Its because Dora is of interest to her and figures it must be easy to learn this process of watching her favourite cartoon than try to get aunty Ehi to do it for her. Some times, we are unassuming and don’t bother explaining processes to them and so they grow up to be adults with great capacity but stuck in the brain of a child.
Lesson #3: Dumbing down ideas just makes more mediocres but pushing people past their limits helps them rise and conquer the challenges of life
Yes, it was a stressful weekend with my baby angel but she taught me more than I would ever have bargained for.
*Now awakening my child like tendencies* who wants to go play in the sand?
Yours sincerly
Bourgy Babe
Sunday, July 24, 2011
There's a book for that...too!
Dear Diary,
Enjoying a mountain view of the best the Prairies has to offer in this meek city of Calgary whilst I keep an eye on my departure gate. My flight was scheduled to leave for 6pm last gaze at the clock indicated that it was 6:03pm,still no plane….no pilot. As long as I tread the soil of Toronto tonight, I have no complaints but that is only because I have really good company.
During my family visit to Calgary, I lay hands on a relationship book titled “Things I wish I’d known before we got married” by Gary Chapman who happens to be the same author of the amazing book “The five love languages”. To tell you the truth, I only started reading this book30-flight-delay-minutes-ago but I am already in awe of the truths that exist between the covers of this skinny unassuming book.
It throws more light of the truth that love alone isn’t sufficient to keep a marriage, teaches you of the love languages everyone needs to possess and how to find your partner’s , that toilets don’t clean themselves , apologies is a sign of strength.
The little lesson I thought I’d share today is that, just as there’s an app for almost everything now, there’s a learning resource for every problem or obstacle you will ever encounter. As I read books, I’m reminded that there is absolutely nothing new under the sun..whatever obstacle I face now has been faced by some other person and some have handled it quite well and put the solutions in a book.
Are you faced with a relationship trauma? A major decision to make? a dilemma in your finances? Stay assured, There's a book for that...too!
Yours in knowledge
Bourgy Babe /boogyee beib/
Enjoying a mountain view of the best the Prairies has to offer in this meek city of Calgary whilst I keep an eye on my departure gate. My flight was scheduled to leave for 6pm last gaze at the clock indicated that it was 6:03pm,still no plane….no pilot. As long as I tread the soil of Toronto tonight, I have no complaints but that is only because I have really good company.
During my family visit to Calgary, I lay hands on a relationship book titled “Things I wish I’d known before we got married” by Gary Chapman who happens to be the same author of the amazing book “The five love languages”. To tell you the truth, I only started reading this book30-flight-delay-minutes-ago but I am already in awe of the truths that exist between the covers of this skinny unassuming book.
It throws more light of the truth that love alone isn’t sufficient to keep a marriage, teaches you of the love languages everyone needs to possess and how to find your partner’s , that toilets don’t clean themselves , apologies is a sign of strength.
The little lesson I thought I’d share today is that, just as there’s an app for almost everything now, there’s a learning resource for every problem or obstacle you will ever encounter. As I read books, I’m reminded that there is absolutely nothing new under the sun..whatever obstacle I face now has been faced by some other person and some have handled it quite well and put the solutions in a book.
Are you faced with a relationship trauma? A major decision to make? a dilemma in your finances? Stay assured, There's a book for that...too!
Yours in knowledge
Bourgy Babe /boogyee beib/
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Nothing To Lose
This is a story i culled from a forward.
Bill Gates organized an enormous session to recruit a new chairman for Microsoft Europe. Five thousand candidates assembled in a large room.Bill Gates thanked all the candidates for coming and ask those who do not know Java program to leave. Two thousand candidates left the room. Ayodele the Nigerian man says to himself,"I do not know java but i have nothing to lose if i stay, I'll give it a try"
Bill Gates asked the candidates who never had experience of managing more than 100 people to leave. Two thousand left the room, Ayodele says to himself, "i've never managed anybody before but i have nothing to lose if i stay,what can happen to me?" so he stays, then Bill Gates asked the candidates who do not have a management diploma to leave. Ayodele said to himself, "i left school at 15 but still, what do i have to lose?" so he stays in the room.
Lastly, Bill Gates asked the candidates who do not speak Serb-Croatian to leave. 498 candidates left the room and Ayodele says to himself "I have no idea what Serb-Croatian is but what do i have to lose" so he stays and eventually he finds himself with one other candidate, every one else had left the room
Bill Gates joined them and said apparently you are the only two candidates who speak Serb-Croatian so i'd like to hear you have a conversation together in that language.
Calmly, Ayodele turns to the other candidate and says "Wahala dey o!" the other candidate answers "Oga na wa o"
Bill Gates: "You are both hired"
Lesson: You lose nothing by trying
Bill Gates organized an enormous session to recruit a new chairman for Microsoft Europe. Five thousand candidates assembled in a large room.Bill Gates thanked all the candidates for coming and ask those who do not know Java program to leave. Two thousand candidates left the room. Ayodele the Nigerian man says to himself,"I do not know java but i have nothing to lose if i stay, I'll give it a try"
Bill Gates asked the candidates who never had experience of managing more than 100 people to leave. Two thousand left the room, Ayodele says to himself, "i've never managed anybody before but i have nothing to lose if i stay,what can happen to me?" so he stays, then Bill Gates asked the candidates who do not have a management diploma to leave. Ayodele said to himself, "i left school at 15 but still, what do i have to lose?" so he stays in the room.
Lastly, Bill Gates asked the candidates who do not speak Serb-Croatian to leave. 498 candidates left the room and Ayodele says to himself "I have no idea what Serb-Croatian is but what do i have to lose" so he stays and eventually he finds himself with one other candidate, every one else had left the room
Bill Gates joined them and said apparently you are the only two candidates who speak Serb-Croatian so i'd like to hear you have a conversation together in that language.
Calmly, Ayodele turns to the other candidate and says "Wahala dey o!" the other candidate answers "Oga na wa o"
Bill Gates: "You are both hired"
Lesson: You lose nothing by trying
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Why Cant we all just get along?
Dear Diary,
Why cant we all just get along?
Notice how quick we are to play ‘peaceful’ and admit that we love everyone and we and of course we aren’t the problem, ‘they’ are. As far as heaven is concerned, we are perfectly normal and our culture is the norm and lets not talk about culture, its us vs the ‘ weirdos’
We say we are open minded yet when you saw that fellow with red and blue dye sprayed on his spiky Mohawk, you thought, how insane. You think you are accepting and loving but you mistakenly got dragged to that cultural festival and even the fact that it was ‘cultural’ did not stop you from wearing your disparaging and disapproving hat, no you brought it along. What manner of thing is this called food? Will I die if I eat it? Yes you will die! Your narrow mind will die for sure.
You know what else I find interesting? Fake scientists. We create false conclusions that we draw in our minds from our 30second research , baseless hypothesis, skewed evidences and then we don’t leave it there, we go ahead and sell our fake ideas to other gullible fellows and they buy it and re sell it and the world goes round and then we say we are open and accepting.
If our creator wanted only safe, suit wearing, English speaking, jazz loving, church going, professionals, he does not need your help, he would have created just that. As far as we are concerned, we should all have similar interests, similar culture, similar religion, similar sect and even within the same culture, speak similar language! If we do not understand it or agree with it, we call it “weird”
You might want to create your own universe, but in the mean time and in this particular space, we are first human beings before Yorubas, we are first homo sapiens before Catholics and it’s the sum of our imperfect parts that make us a complete whole.
Throw away the self superior notion, toss the bias, get rid of the complexes and the critic…let us appreciate one another , learn from each other, swap ideas and cultures because if ever we are to live fully and optimize our time here on earth, it starts by being accepting of one another and quit striving to make duplicates of our selves. That is all!
Bourgy Babe
/Boogyee beib/
Why cant we all just get along?
Notice how quick we are to play ‘peaceful’ and admit that we love everyone and we and of course we aren’t the problem, ‘they’ are. As far as heaven is concerned, we are perfectly normal and our culture is the norm and lets not talk about culture, its us vs the ‘ weirdos’
We say we are open minded yet when you saw that fellow with red and blue dye sprayed on his spiky Mohawk, you thought, how insane. You think you are accepting and loving but you mistakenly got dragged to that cultural festival and even the fact that it was ‘cultural’ did not stop you from wearing your disparaging and disapproving hat, no you brought it along. What manner of thing is this called food? Will I die if I eat it? Yes you will die! Your narrow mind will die for sure.
You know what else I find interesting? Fake scientists. We create false conclusions that we draw in our minds from our 30second research , baseless hypothesis, skewed evidences and then we don’t leave it there, we go ahead and sell our fake ideas to other gullible fellows and they buy it and re sell it and the world goes round and then we say we are open and accepting.
If our creator wanted only safe, suit wearing, English speaking, jazz loving, church going, professionals, he does not need your help, he would have created just that. As far as we are concerned, we should all have similar interests, similar culture, similar religion, similar sect and even within the same culture, speak similar language! If we do not understand it or agree with it, we call it “weird”
You might want to create your own universe, but in the mean time and in this particular space, we are first human beings before Yorubas, we are first homo sapiens before Catholics and it’s the sum of our imperfect parts that make us a complete whole.
Throw away the self superior notion, toss the bias, get rid of the complexes and the critic…let us appreciate one another , learn from each other, swap ideas and cultures because if ever we are to live fully and optimize our time here on earth, it starts by being accepting of one another and quit striving to make duplicates of our selves. That is all!
Bourgy Babe
/Boogyee beib/
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dear Diary,
Do you realize how powerful the word “NO” is? So powerful...its life altering . An accumulation of some seemingly small “no’s” can get you your ideal weight, lose that weist that wouldn’t stop buggin you for your number especially when you know fully well the chances of a relationship is non existent and NO can be an enabler in getting anything significant done.
Call it Nah, Nay, Nada, Non, Nope, whatever your preference is, some people have grown accustomed to thinking of “NO” as a negative term. In making decisions, they consider everyone else but themselves and end up in a bigger mess than they started off with. Yesterday, a colleague and I went for a quick bite at Harveys Burger and she placed an order of a Vegan burger but of course the sales associate was determined to have her burger up sized to a combo and she just said NO, thanks I’m okay..he went on and on about how they just had a new type of burger in and she just had to try it. With all the direct and subtle marketing, even the strictest vegetarians can be tempted to eat meat!
Last week , I called up my cable company to say I was no longer interested in keeping their services and from one rep to another, I was been passed around. They offered me all sorts of incentives and baits. At the end of each sales pitch, the convo would go something like this “Ma’am would you still like to keep our services if we gave you 3months free?” NO!
Okay, please hold...Next rep comes online which I presume is a higher ranking sales rep…”Ma’am I’ve heard you’d like to discontinue your services with us, but because you have been such a loyal customer, we will not like to see you go…we will give you 3mths free cable and upgrade your services to premium, which is about 200 channels of your can I go ahead and set this up for you?”
Wow 200 channels?!? That would be dope and I don’t have to worry about a bill for 3 whole months? Jeez, I was so close to saying of course, sign me up but I really had to remember why I called in..i was not going to be spending time at home due to my busy schedule…why was I considering this offer? And I immediately yelled NOPE!! I really want the service discontinued.
Some body said something that triggered my thought the other day “That dress you bought with your credit card because it was on sale won’t be a sales price anymore when you’re still paying for it 6mths later”!
No, I’m not doing that chore for you because I have something important to attend to, No, I cant accept that salary because I deserve more. No, I don’t want premium cable because I wont watch it. No, I refuse to buy tickets to the biggest jam of the year. No, I don’t want fries with that. No, I wont give you my phone number . No I don’t want a free trial, what happens after the trial? and No, you cant convince me otherwise I really mean NO.
Everyone has the liberty of “NO” Go ahead and exercise yours and really mean it.
Yours Truly
Bourgy Babe
/Boo gyee beib/
Do you realize how powerful the word “NO” is? So powerful...its life altering . An accumulation of some seemingly small “no’s” can get you your ideal weight, lose that weist that wouldn’t stop buggin you for your number especially when you know fully well the chances of a relationship is non existent and NO can be an enabler in getting anything significant done.
Call it Nah, Nay, Nada, Non, Nope, whatever your preference is, some people have grown accustomed to thinking of “NO” as a negative term. In making decisions, they consider everyone else but themselves and end up in a bigger mess than they started off with. Yesterday, a colleague and I went for a quick bite at Harveys Burger and she placed an order of a Vegan burger but of course the sales associate was determined to have her burger up sized to a combo and she just said NO, thanks I’m okay..he went on and on about how they just had a new type of burger in and she just had to try it. With all the direct and subtle marketing, even the strictest vegetarians can be tempted to eat meat!
Last week , I called up my cable company to say I was no longer interested in keeping their services and from one rep to another, I was been passed around. They offered me all sorts of incentives and baits. At the end of each sales pitch, the convo would go something like this “Ma’am would you still like to keep our services if we gave you 3months free?” NO!
Okay, please hold...Next rep comes online which I presume is a higher ranking sales rep…”Ma’am I’ve heard you’d like to discontinue your services with us, but because you have been such a loyal customer, we will not like to see you go…we will give you 3mths free cable and upgrade your services to premium, which is about 200 channels of your can I go ahead and set this up for you?”
Wow 200 channels?!? That would be dope and I don’t have to worry about a bill for 3 whole months? Jeez, I was so close to saying of course, sign me up but I really had to remember why I called in..i was not going to be spending time at home due to my busy schedule…why was I considering this offer? And I immediately yelled NOPE!! I really want the service discontinued.
Some body said something that triggered my thought the other day “That dress you bought with your credit card because it was on sale won’t be a sales price anymore when you’re still paying for it 6mths later”!
No, I’m not doing that chore for you because I have something important to attend to, No, I cant accept that salary because I deserve more. No, I don’t want premium cable because I wont watch it. No, I refuse to buy tickets to the biggest jam of the year. No, I don’t want fries with that. No, I wont give you my phone number . No I don’t want a free trial, what happens after the trial? and No, you cant convince me otherwise I really mean NO.
Everyone has the liberty of “NO” Go ahead and exercise yours and really mean it.
Yours Truly
Bourgy Babe
/Boo gyee beib/
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Lets Make It Work
Dear Diary,
Its been long,i know...i apologize and i'm ready to make this work with us..hey, your girl is feeling good today..
Just got back from a trip and i must have had way too much fun with the Statue of Liberty and ground zero and Times square and Empire states building and..ok, i'll stop now..bottom line, i had a blast on my trip and i'm back and ready to kick it..but for a few wheezing here and there..coughin and allergies etc i would be alright.
Just wanted to say i have missed this part of my life dearly and i'm ready to make it work right here...right now.
Hugs and Kisses
/Boogyee beib/
Its been long,i know...i apologize and i'm ready to make this work with us..hey, your girl is feeling good today..
Just got back from a trip and i must have had way too much fun with the Statue of Liberty and ground zero and Times square and Empire states building and..ok, i'll stop now..bottom line, i had a blast on my trip and i'm back and ready to kick it..but for a few wheezing here and there..coughin and allergies etc i would be alright.
Just wanted to say i have missed this part of my life dearly and i'm ready to make it work right here...right now.
Hugs and Kisses
/Boogyee beib/
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
...for better days
Dear Diary,
This is taking long…like I’ve never had my virtues tried this much.
I had my weekly chiropractic appointment makes sense with Dr. Liz in my life.
I made up my mind to check in with my Chiropractor weekly when my back aches escalated and the multiple purses and bags I carry around aren’t helping much either.Anyways, after the hot stones and massage, Ehi is feeling very peppy and confident to take on another week.
Getting to work and its like all the bubbles and air had sipped away as I’m going back and forth with my boss, remembering some crucial tasks that needs to be taken care of and ve been expecting an important call that hasn’t come thru yet and this right here..this rogers bill? Just takes the piss.
So its now 4:45pm and I’m packin up and ready to call it a day but I’m not very pleased but such is life init?
So I encourage myself and keep my head up for better days.
This is taking long…like I’ve never had my virtues tried this much.
I had my weekly chiropractic appointment makes sense with Dr. Liz in my life.
I made up my mind to check in with my Chiropractor weekly when my back aches escalated and the multiple purses and bags I carry around aren’t helping much either.Anyways, after the hot stones and massage, Ehi is feeling very peppy and confident to take on another week.
Getting to work and its like all the bubbles and air had sipped away as I’m going back and forth with my boss, remembering some crucial tasks that needs to be taken care of and ve been expecting an important call that hasn’t come thru yet and this right here..this rogers bill? Just takes the piss.
So its now 4:45pm and I’m packin up and ready to call it a day but I’m not very pleased but such is life init?
So I encourage myself and keep my head up for better days.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Post Determination
Dear Diary,
I ‘m happy to finanlly get the time and space to spend 8 uninterupted hours with me…no concerns; No worries; No serious To-do-lists, life is good.
So its been an interesting month for me, trying so hard to keep up with my resolutions and goals and I must say, its been far from easy. When I seem to be faring well, the cravings kick in or worse, complacency and so a journey that is supposed to be measured annually becomes a daily striving.
In general, I think I’m steering this ship right…ve finanlly got around to been the captain of my ship, Me.
My thoughts right now on this Sunday afternoon goes as follows:
You get out of a relationship, what you put in no more no less. Friendships are like ATM machines, you can only withdraw up to the amount you have desposited there so if you keep taking and taking and never depositing, you will eventually go red. On the flip side, when you leave your account dormant with no activity, don’t expect non existent numbers to suddenly come alive when you need them.
When I am a world apart from you and you expect me to cross my ocean to your side and my natural inclination is to expect the same of you, wisdom suggests that we create an island where we can both meet in the middle; and only by compromise would we ever reason together.
When you keep knocking on doors and pushing and pressing in and all you get in reponse is a N-O, determination is what makes you keep going back over and over again to keep knocking, but sometimes determination in itself is not enough. ROYALTY is what makes you burst your way through the roof top and say, here I am and I Need this Job/Promotion because it is my RIGHT! The bottom is too crowded...turn it up a notch..Alot of us claim to need this and want that but How badly do you need it? Cuz if you want it so badly, you will get it so swiftly
Its not the A’s on your diploma or the ZERO’s on your account statement or even the letters attached to your name that differentiates you but something so simple yet rare...the human connection.
I'm at a post-determination point right now and i thought i'd share.
I ‘m happy to finanlly get the time and space to spend 8 uninterupted hours with me…no concerns; No worries; No serious To-do-lists, life is good.
So its been an interesting month for me, trying so hard to keep up with my resolutions and goals and I must say, its been far from easy. When I seem to be faring well, the cravings kick in or worse, complacency and so a journey that is supposed to be measured annually becomes a daily striving.
In general, I think I’m steering this ship right…ve finanlly got around to been the captain of my ship, Me.
My thoughts right now on this Sunday afternoon goes as follows:
You get out of a relationship, what you put in no more no less. Friendships are like ATM machines, you can only withdraw up to the amount you have desposited there so if you keep taking and taking and never depositing, you will eventually go red. On the flip side, when you leave your account dormant with no activity, don’t expect non existent numbers to suddenly come alive when you need them.
When I am a world apart from you and you expect me to cross my ocean to your side and my natural inclination is to expect the same of you, wisdom suggests that we create an island where we can both meet in the middle; and only by compromise would we ever reason together.
When you keep knocking on doors and pushing and pressing in and all you get in reponse is a N-O, determination is what makes you keep going back over and over again to keep knocking, but sometimes determination in itself is not enough. ROYALTY is what makes you burst your way through the roof top and say, here I am and I Need this Job/Promotion because it is my RIGHT! The bottom is too crowded...turn it up a notch..Alot of us claim to need this and want that but How badly do you need it? Cuz if you want it so badly, you will get it so swiftly
Its not the A’s on your diploma or the ZERO’s on your account statement or even the letters attached to your name that differentiates you but something so simple yet rare...the human connection.
I'm at a post-determination point right now and i thought i'd share.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Fun is Serious Business Too
Dear Diary,
Its Family day in Toronto and as i tried to open my eyes and roll outta bed, i might as well have just negotiated with a rock cuz my body aches...yea, when you sleep at the feet of two babes sandwiched together and you cant even exercise the liberty of a misplaced arm or the privilege of a pillow then you know you had a jam and half!
My girls and i have been taking turns to plan parties and of course dami decided to pull a two day notice on us and once you have a few eligible men on the pooker table and some hotties on the couch relieving highlights of the night, you know you had a good party..whatever happened in between was for us to know and for you to find out.
So even though i'm starting my holiday with some back pains here and stiff neck there, it was worth it..i have my weekly massage appointment tomorrow anyways!
Spending time with my girl's has gradually become an item of luxury on my To do list and you know work, life,getting ahead,projects and just these 'serious things' take precedence.A huge piece of my time pie is consumed by serious thoughts and you give it your all and suddenly, a realization hits you "i have no fun anymore" and cuz it just creeps up on ya, there's no way of finding out.
Today,i'm not talking about goals or dreams or ambitions..matter of fact the only goal i have today is to enjoy my self to the fullest and if i need to scream, shout, play, laugh, eat decadent cakes, drink, make sand castles or snow men or play wii all day, i WILL.
I WILL, because my emotional well being is serious business too. Why am i the only one awake in the midst of these snores? Okay, got to run, i have pictures to take.
Bourgy Babe
Its Family day in Toronto and as i tried to open my eyes and roll outta bed, i might as well have just negotiated with a rock cuz my body aches...yea, when you sleep at the feet of two babes sandwiched together and you cant even exercise the liberty of a misplaced arm or the privilege of a pillow then you know you had a jam and half!
My girls and i have been taking turns to plan parties and of course dami decided to pull a two day notice on us and once you have a few eligible men on the pooker table and some hotties on the couch relieving highlights of the night, you know you had a good party..whatever happened in between was for us to know and for you to find out.
So even though i'm starting my holiday with some back pains here and stiff neck there, it was worth it..i have my weekly massage appointment tomorrow anyways!
Spending time with my girl's has gradually become an item of luxury on my To do list and you know work, life,getting ahead,projects and just these 'serious things' take precedence.A huge piece of my time pie is consumed by serious thoughts and you give it your all and suddenly, a realization hits you "i have no fun anymore" and cuz it just creeps up on ya, there's no way of finding out.
Today,i'm not talking about goals or dreams or ambitions..matter of fact the only goal i have today is to enjoy my self to the fullest and if i need to scream, shout, play, laugh, eat decadent cakes, drink, make sand castles or snow men or play wii all day, i WILL.
I WILL, because my emotional well being is serious business too. Why am i the only one awake in the midst of these snores? Okay, got to run, i have pictures to take.
Bourgy Babe
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Gift of Expression
Dear Diary,
I am blessed!
I'm so glad right now...and you know how expressive i get when i'm in this mood.
Thank you for the gift of expression. Thank you for being there to listen when i need
to rant, cry or just praise. I always wonder what my life would have been like if i
didnt have an avenue to pen these words...i've now been consistently writing about
my feelings, my thoughts and my dreams for about 4.5 years and i'm awed at how long
i've come.
Friday at work , i caught my colleague staring at intently that i felt the
energy on my skin and it prompted me to look her soon as i eyes
beheld hers, i knew she meant no harm.
Well, it turns out, she has the ability to read one's personalities by staring right
into your eyes..and she said to me "Ehi, you're very Emotional eh"
Huh? what? i was taken aback for a split second..almost feeling
could she tell?
And i said (whilst ruffling some papers trying to act busy) yes Naureen, i am.
I waited 3seconds for her to say something else..well...4seconds seemed too long to
me at this point.."erm, Naureen how do you know that"
I read your eyes...*sigh*
Feeling relieved that she had not found out through another method and hoping she doesnt know about, i enquired more of her.."What else do you know Naureen"
She proceeded on to stare at me for 10 straight seconds and said "You have a very large heart" well, she went on to tell me how i'm very sympathetic and all these other traits and boy was she accurate?
Its interesting how much emotion i display in the span of 24hours, i cry alot..i laugh a lot...i generally always make sure i'm happy as its my number one responsibility as i go through my day and i take my happyness very seriously.
Ever since i started to live consciously i began to see the truth to the fact that what i hold in my mind is what shows up in my life and i take responsibility for that
Well, that is all i wanted to say.
Best Regards,
Bourgy Babe /boo-gyee-beib/
I am blessed!
I'm so glad right now...and you know how expressive i get when i'm in this mood.
Thank you for the gift of expression. Thank you for being there to listen when i need
to rant, cry or just praise. I always wonder what my life would have been like if i
didnt have an avenue to pen these words...i've now been consistently writing about
my feelings, my thoughts and my dreams for about 4.5 years and i'm awed at how long
i've come.
Friday at work , i caught my colleague staring at intently that i felt the
energy on my skin and it prompted me to look her soon as i eyes
beheld hers, i knew she meant no harm.
Well, it turns out, she has the ability to read one's personalities by staring right
into your eyes..and she said to me "Ehi, you're very Emotional eh"
Huh? what? i was taken aback for a split second..almost feeling
could she tell?
And i said (whilst ruffling some papers trying to act busy) yes Naureen, i am.
I waited 3seconds for her to say something else..well...4seconds seemed too long to
me at this point.."erm, Naureen how do you know that"
I read your eyes...*sigh*
Feeling relieved that she had not found out through another method and hoping she doesnt know about, i enquired more of her.."What else do you know Naureen"
She proceeded on to stare at me for 10 straight seconds and said "You have a very large heart" well, she went on to tell me how i'm very sympathetic and all these other traits and boy was she accurate?
Its interesting how much emotion i display in the span of 24hours, i cry alot..i laugh a lot...i generally always make sure i'm happy as its my number one responsibility as i go through my day and i take my happyness very seriously.
Ever since i started to live consciously i began to see the truth to the fact that what i hold in my mind is what shows up in my life and i take responsibility for that
Well, that is all i wanted to say.
Best Regards,
Bourgy Babe /boo-gyee-beib/
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
...With Purpose and Intention
Dear Diary,
It’s the last week of January 2011 ALREADY! I definitely know how 2010 flew by..its the Mondays which become Fridays that become Mondays again only to be Fridays 4 times in a row..on 12 occasions.
As the first month goes by, I’m reminded of those resolutions that i gladly committed myself to..lose 5ibs by January end, Earn this amount by January 31st, Take that exam by January 31st,Fix that issue by January 31ST?!?
Was I crazy? Like what the hell was I thinking? Now, I have all these deadlines , lofty goals and high sounding ambitions to achieve all before January 31st!!! who sent me message? I was really fine the way I was..i mean I’m not any not poor in any currency…my job is treating me very well..i mean what issue do you speak of Ehi? Why fix it if it aint broken?
No, do you understand where I’m coming from though? Its friggin January 25th and I’m supposed to space shift you a new job in 5days? Or wave my magic wand to get a J-lo body in a flash?
Ooh what the heck? I’ll still be fine..God is good, All the time!
But NAhhhhh, I cant sit still guyz..i just cant..looking at my Calendar and the little note book where I have my January goals this morning, I just cant bring myself to pretend I do not deserve better .
Yesterday, I got some disappointing news about a huge opportunity I was hinging on however, I have met my weight goals for the month so that piece of accomplishment keeps me going so its all good.
Anyways, I’m currently reading a book on real estate by Gary Keller and its an excellent read so far and something that struck me whilst reading this book is that “Champions take the luck out” .What this means to me is that successful people DO NOT consider luck or even acknowledge it because, lets face it, you may never get lucky but the chances that you will be successful are very high if/when you follow proven strategies and time tested models.
I’m learning that there is always a better way to do everything…change your approach and you ‘ll see a result, change it for the better, and you’ll get an even better result.It might be a little tasking to always utilize a better approach but guess what brings the best result? the best approach! with purpose and intention.

It was very interesting to realize that everything I’m working on and every challenge I’m facing, there’s a person who’s been in my shoes before and succeeded…so my only intention is to find out HOW and the BEST approach to go about it. My question to you is why grope in your darkness and mistakes when someone else has already made the mistake on your behalf?
Look for proven strategies and time tested models...they are in books, they’re online..they work with you..some of them take dance classes with you. ASK them!
Stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you..its no use re-inventing the wheel.
Achieve the BEST results with Purpose and Intention
Honestly Speaking,
Bourgy Babe /boo-gyee beib/
It’s the last week of January 2011 ALREADY! I definitely know how 2010 flew by..its the Mondays which become Fridays that become Mondays again only to be Fridays 4 times in a row..on 12 occasions.
As the first month goes by, I’m reminded of those resolutions that i gladly committed myself to..lose 5ibs by January end, Earn this amount by January 31st, Take that exam by January 31st,Fix that issue by January 31ST?!?
Was I crazy? Like what the hell was I thinking? Now, I have all these deadlines , lofty goals and high sounding ambitions to achieve all before January 31st!!! who sent me message? I was really fine the way I was..i mean I’m not any not poor in any currency…my job is treating me very well..i mean what issue do you speak of Ehi? Why fix it if it aint broken?
No, do you understand where I’m coming from though? Its friggin January 25th and I’m supposed to space shift you a new job in 5days? Or wave my magic wand to get a J-lo body in a flash?
Ooh what the heck? I’ll still be fine..God is good, All the time!
But NAhhhhh, I cant sit still guyz..i just cant..looking at my Calendar and the little note book where I have my January goals this morning, I just cant bring myself to pretend I do not deserve better .
Yesterday, I got some disappointing news about a huge opportunity I was hinging on however, I have met my weight goals for the month so that piece of accomplishment keeps me going so its all good.
Anyways, I’m currently reading a book on real estate by Gary Keller and its an excellent read so far and something that struck me whilst reading this book is that “Champions take the luck out” .What this means to me is that successful people DO NOT consider luck or even acknowledge it because, lets face it, you may never get lucky but the chances that you will be successful are very high if/when you follow proven strategies and time tested models.
I’m learning that there is always a better way to do everything…change your approach and you ‘ll see a result, change it for the better, and you’ll get an even better result.It might be a little tasking to always utilize a better approach but guess what brings the best result? the best approach! with purpose and intention.

It was very interesting to realize that everything I’m working on and every challenge I’m facing, there’s a person who’s been in my shoes before and succeeded…so my only intention is to find out HOW and the BEST approach to go about it. My question to you is why grope in your darkness and mistakes when someone else has already made the mistake on your behalf?
Look for proven strategies and time tested models...they are in books, they’re online..they work with you..some of them take dance classes with you. ASK them!
Stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you..its no use re-inventing the wheel.
Achieve the BEST results with Purpose and Intention
Honestly Speaking,
Bourgy Babe /boo-gyee beib/
Friday, January 21, 2011
Good Luck on your Union!
Dear Diary,
I recently read an write-up in the local newspaper that claimed that fewer people where engaging in the act of marriage, more Canadians have chosen to co-exist with their partners, and split responsibilities like make babies and pay the mortgage without opting for the majestic walk down the aisle.
Just incase you were thinking to yourself, well its because they are Canadians and they might not necessarily appreciate the institution of marriage well, I ‘d say to you, say no more.
If ever there was a new fear to be added to the list of Phobias, I think Marriage is due to make the cut. More and more people including people from African Origin are now shying away from the holy epidemic that’s been long known to solve problems of loneliness ,heal wounds and fill a companionship void, is now in fact turning out to be a huge disease that’s cut deep to the very ligament that’s held it for centuries, Religion.
We are living in times where the rate of divorce Is higher than the fluctuation of the Nigerian Naira..its so bad that the business of divorce has moved from dormancy to been very lucrative.
I do not believe in “irreconcilable differences” I think divorce is made up of two partners unwilling to stay together not unable to be together.
And while we’re at the issue of divorce, do you sometimes find yourself in a situation where your friend whom you know and love announces to you that she’s ready to tie the knot with a man whom you know and are sure will definetely bring her tears and unhapppyness?
There’s obviously some people that need to be told “Good luck” when it concerns the issue of marriage and others should definitely be congratulated.
I hope we all get to end up with spouses that we will be congratulated for.
I wanted to share what was on my radar in the past few days.
Yours Truly
Bourgy Babe
/boo-gyee beib/
I recently read an write-up in the local newspaper that claimed that fewer people where engaging in the act of marriage, more Canadians have chosen to co-exist with their partners, and split responsibilities like make babies and pay the mortgage without opting for the majestic walk down the aisle.
Just incase you were thinking to yourself, well its because they are Canadians and they might not necessarily appreciate the institution of marriage well, I ‘d say to you, say no more.
If ever there was a new fear to be added to the list of Phobias, I think Marriage is due to make the cut. More and more people including people from African Origin are now shying away from the holy epidemic that’s been long known to solve problems of loneliness ,heal wounds and fill a companionship void, is now in fact turning out to be a huge disease that’s cut deep to the very ligament that’s held it for centuries, Religion.
We are living in times where the rate of divorce Is higher than the fluctuation of the Nigerian Naira..its so bad that the business of divorce has moved from dormancy to been very lucrative.
I do not believe in “irreconcilable differences” I think divorce is made up of two partners unwilling to stay together not unable to be together.
And while we’re at the issue of divorce, do you sometimes find yourself in a situation where your friend whom you know and love announces to you that she’s ready to tie the knot with a man whom you know and are sure will definetely bring her tears and unhapppyness?
There’s obviously some people that need to be told “Good luck” when it concerns the issue of marriage and others should definitely be congratulated.
I hope we all get to end up with spouses that we will be congratulated for.
I wanted to share what was on my radar in the past few days.
Yours Truly
Bourgy Babe
/boo-gyee beib/
Monday, January 10, 2011
Judge NOT!
Dear Diary,
I love the convenience of been able to drive in my car and turn up the volume singing loudly to the music whilst reliving the feeling of singing in the shower and taking occasional peek-a-boo’S and quick glances at my rear view mirror to check the state of my lipstick or whatever…
However, the emotions that are brought out of me by the Toronto Transit City(TTC) is just unfathomable and sometimes, I do feel like a voyager sucking up the sights and side conversations amongst friends or strangers on the bus or the mosaic of people speaking various languages in a variety of accents and I just love taking it all in. Every trip tells a different story.
Today, my sense of pride as a black female was slighted. Taking a ride on the bus and a conversation amongst 5 black males encrypted into my radar and it was so obnoxious that one could accurately guess their level of maturity was next to zero! It turns out they are ex-cons and had committed several offenses. One of them spoke about how he presently has 39 charges and they all took turns subtly bragging about the number of criminal charges they had each bagged. As I listened further, they spewed lots of shameful , disgraceful facts about their criminal minds and offenses.
At this point, I’m all ears left with a weird mix of disgust + curiousity, i hope they are not murderers, I thought to myself…whilst I got into my thoughts tweeting about what I’d just of the young men who had earlier told of his 8 robberies hollered, ”yo, man you didn’t even change your looks, you should or they’ll find you”
10minutes ago when these men got on the bus, I unconsciously scanned them lightly from the face caps to their oversized t-shirts with blinging jewelries and baggy pants starting almost on their thighs with really loud rap music blaring on i-pods that dropped from their sagging pants. my first thought was just what you think but I snapped out of it when I realized I was being judgmental.
So as much as I wouldn’t volunteer to judge anyone, my question for you is how does one manage to avoid making stereotypical assumptions about people (which are sadly always judgmental and almost NEVER positive)? I’d personally hate to be judged on the average black girl basis but it may be the only hint to go by. So is it possible to be aware of a certain stereotype and not be presumptive?
That is my plight.
On the brighter side of things, I’m now on the train westbound and there’s a pan handler (homeless man ) just poking fun at this gentle man for missing the train and seeing that this fellow is in no mood for hanky panky, he turns to him and says, hey, you look like Ray Charles..LOL!!
That just made my day!
Sincerely Yours
Bourgy Babe /boogyee beib/
I love the convenience of been able to drive in my car and turn up the volume singing loudly to the music whilst reliving the feeling of singing in the shower and taking occasional peek-a-boo’S and quick glances at my rear view mirror to check the state of my lipstick or whatever…
However, the emotions that are brought out of me by the Toronto Transit City(TTC) is just unfathomable and sometimes, I do feel like a voyager sucking up the sights and side conversations amongst friends or strangers on the bus or the mosaic of people speaking various languages in a variety of accents and I just love taking it all in. Every trip tells a different story.
Today, my sense of pride as a black female was slighted. Taking a ride on the bus and a conversation amongst 5 black males encrypted into my radar and it was so obnoxious that one could accurately guess their level of maturity was next to zero! It turns out they are ex-cons and had committed several offenses. One of them spoke about how he presently has 39 charges and they all took turns subtly bragging about the number of criminal charges they had each bagged. As I listened further, they spewed lots of shameful , disgraceful facts about their criminal minds and offenses.
At this point, I’m all ears left with a weird mix of disgust + curiousity, i hope they are not murderers, I thought to myself…whilst I got into my thoughts tweeting about what I’d just of the young men who had earlier told of his 8 robberies hollered, ”yo, man you didn’t even change your looks, you should or they’ll find you”
10minutes ago when these men got on the bus, I unconsciously scanned them lightly from the face caps to their oversized t-shirts with blinging jewelries and baggy pants starting almost on their thighs with really loud rap music blaring on i-pods that dropped from their sagging pants. my first thought was just what you think but I snapped out of it when I realized I was being judgmental.
So as much as I wouldn’t volunteer to judge anyone, my question for you is how does one manage to avoid making stereotypical assumptions about people (which are sadly always judgmental and almost NEVER positive)? I’d personally hate to be judged on the average black girl basis but it may be the only hint to go by. So is it possible to be aware of a certain stereotype and not be presumptive?
That is my plight.
On the brighter side of things, I’m now on the train westbound and there’s a pan handler (homeless man ) just poking fun at this gentle man for missing the train and seeing that this fellow is in no mood for hanky panky, he turns to him and says, hey, you look like Ray Charles..LOL!!
That just made my day!
Sincerely Yours
Bourgy Babe /boogyee beib/
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Emotional Ying Yang
Dear Diary,
I think I must have said this a gazillion times but I really like where I’m at right now..its a good place.
Let me tell you how I get here…by here I mean “my good place”
This past week has been kinda sorta tedious..first working week after a 10-day break for me.., It didn’t feel so good going back to work and so my week started off very fast and rough…like a bumpy ride on a bad road in Warri,(where i spent my early years in Nigeria) I galloped .Disappointments came, anger lurked, people pissed me off and sorts of worries that come with a new year and making a new start definitely tried but to say they failed will be understating the matter..they flopped horribly.
As I get older year after year, I know for sure that one of the best things I ‘ve learned is the act of consciousness and that just means getting into the habit of self observation. I used to be an expert critic of others and as soon as I flipped that lens on me, it became a moment of illumination for my life and so I look at me from the outside..and I started listening to me speak , watching me, observing me and correcting me and so far, living a life of consciousness is by far the best thing that has happened to my personal life.
I have the litmus test for me..i know when the rage meter is up, I know where my love-ostat is and it helps me stay I literally reprimand myself, I praise me…i complement me..i give me high fives..and i scold me...
I have to tell you its working..its my attempt at living an emotionally balanced life and i'm lovin it.
Consciously Speaking,
Bourgy Babe
Translation: /boo gyee beib/
I think I must have said this a gazillion times but I really like where I’m at right now..its a good place.
Let me tell you how I get here…by here I mean “my good place”
This past week has been kinda sorta tedious..first working week after a 10-day break for me.., It didn’t feel so good going back to work and so my week started off very fast and rough…like a bumpy ride on a bad road in Warri,(where i spent my early years in Nigeria) I galloped .Disappointments came, anger lurked, people pissed me off and sorts of worries that come with a new year and making a new start definitely tried but to say they failed will be understating the matter..they flopped horribly.
As I get older year after year, I know for sure that one of the best things I ‘ve learned is the act of consciousness and that just means getting into the habit of self observation. I used to be an expert critic of others and as soon as I flipped that lens on me, it became a moment of illumination for my life and so I look at me from the outside..and I started listening to me speak , watching me, observing me and correcting me and so far, living a life of consciousness is by far the best thing that has happened to my personal life.
I have the litmus test for me..i know when the rage meter is up, I know where my love-ostat is and it helps me stay I literally reprimand myself, I praise me…i complement me..i give me high fives..and i scold me...
I have to tell you its working..its my attempt at living an emotionally balanced life and i'm lovin it.
Consciously Speaking,
Bourgy Babe
Translation: /boo gyee beib/
Monday, January 3, 2011
Dear Diary,
Hearing the phrase ”Arise and Shine for thy light has come and the glory of God is risen upon you” again from the holy book, something seemed to ring through to me…a little different this time..maybe more compelling and requiring some sort of action on my part...
Haven't I been shining before? Why does it matter that the holy book, which Is one book that holds the most cogent information about my life instructs me to shine?
Just borrowing another scripture again, it even says somewhere that if we don’t praise God, he will command rocks to cry out in our place...
You know what I’m gathering as I prepare for lights out and call it a day? That God makes no apologies for his creation.
If he says to you “Cynthia, Arise and Shine” and you refuse to, he will look for some one else to Shine and give him the glory.
The stars don’t need to beg to shine…they just shine.
Dogs don’t fuss to be Loyal animals..they are just made that way by default.
You don’t need to struggle to succeed, you are already wired to succeed!
You only need to take the necessary steps to succeed.
How did I start thinking along these lines?
Oooh I remember..its now 1:31am Jan 3rd and I’m drawing up my goals for 2011 and I’ve written down A LOT! Some of which frighten where did I get the boldness to think this BIG?
My vision board excites me much! And when I glanced at my goals and a whim of fright came close, I remembered that my only job in 2011 was to shine and I
have the ability to do just that because Ehi=Light and so its redundant to say, Ehi may shine..or Ehi will soon, because EHi already equals Light..i shine automatically..You too!
What are your goals for the new year? Care to write it out and declare it?
Take it a step further..represent it pictorially…capture it and confess it.
I wish you all of that and more in 2011
Have a Glorious day/Week
Yours sincerely,
Bourgy Babe
Hearing the phrase ”Arise and Shine for thy light has come and the glory of God is risen upon you” again from the holy book, something seemed to ring through to me…a little different this time..maybe more compelling and requiring some sort of action on my part...
Haven't I been shining before? Why does it matter that the holy book, which Is one book that holds the most cogent information about my life instructs me to shine?
Just borrowing another scripture again, it even says somewhere that if we don’t praise God, he will command rocks to cry out in our place...
You know what I’m gathering as I prepare for lights out and call it a day? That God makes no apologies for his creation.
If he says to you “Cynthia, Arise and Shine” and you refuse to, he will look for some one else to Shine and give him the glory.
The stars don’t need to beg to shine…they just shine.
Dogs don’t fuss to be Loyal animals..they are just made that way by default.
You don’t need to struggle to succeed, you are already wired to succeed!
You only need to take the necessary steps to succeed.
How did I start thinking along these lines?
Oooh I remember..its now 1:31am Jan 3rd and I’m drawing up my goals for 2011 and I’ve written down A LOT! Some of which frighten where did I get the boldness to think this BIG?
My vision board excites me much! And when I glanced at my goals and a whim of fright came close, I remembered that my only job in 2011 was to shine and I
have the ability to do just that because Ehi=Light and so its redundant to say, Ehi may shine..or Ehi will soon, because EHi already equals Light..i shine automatically..You too!
What are your goals for the new year? Care to write it out and declare it?
Take it a step further..represent it pictorially…capture it and confess it.
I wish you all of that and more in 2011
Have a Glorious day/Week
Yours sincerely,
Bourgy Babe
Saturday, January 1, 2011
I haven’t felt this way since last year (I've waited so long to say that)
47…46…45.. the countdown went in the living Arts Centre where I worshipped in the massive auditorium with 1675 other brethren all thrilled and eager to enter the new year with Praise and Thanksgiving.
Its 10:05pm, December 31st and I’m standing shivering and shuddering in the cold as my tights and ‘cute’ mini skirt will not shield me from the fierce wind. Well, thankfully I’m not alone. My friend Uwa and her sister are also with me by the curb of this highway 401 West and the cars are racing swiftly like there’s a hot chase of 2011 down the road.
As they rushed past, car after car. I wondered aloud, “will anyone even stop”, “Does anyone even care to find out why there’s three young ladies stranded and helpless on the highway” So, it was only a few minutes after we set out for new year’s eve service that the car ceased and just refused to move.
Are you serious”? uhmm, the devil is a Liar! My friend exclaimed after a few minutes standing there and feeling sorry for myself that i wont be able to glide into the new year in grand style with other congregants, I began to think of Nigeria and how I would have found a fellow or two to push the car to start…dannng!!!
Next car zooms past, *splashes water* and I snap out of my thought.
11:00pm, so like joke like joke, I wont go to church tonight??
Anyways, after a few calls and distress messages, we finally get help from a friend abandoning the car for tow and off we went, on our merry way to church.
The Living Arts Centre was packed, I was definitely destined to sit in overflow today and watch a screen and so it was..just as predicted and within 3seconds and after a few raps, I was bumped to the front row in a very comfy sit.
its a little past 11pm on the last day of 2010 and despite it all I made it to church and I’m grateful. Its just in time for praise, I asked the greying gentleman behind me who couldn't have been much less than 60 if it was okay for me to get crazy and occupy some of the extra space to dance off 2010. With a sweep of his arms, he said, "Please! Be my guest." So praise and thanksgiving I did….4…3….2…1..HAPPPY TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN!!
Its been an amazing last year and I am excited and ready for what 2011 has to offer because I am convinced it will be a memorable year.
Have a good year ahead!
Remember, what it will turn out to be is entirely up to you. Play an active role in your life this year. Take the drivers seat.
Yours Anew
Bourgy Babe
I haven’t felt this way since last year (I've waited so long to say that)
47…46…45.. the countdown went in the living Arts Centre where I worshipped in the massive auditorium with 1675 other brethren all thrilled and eager to enter the new year with Praise and Thanksgiving.
Its 10:05pm, December 31st and I’m standing shivering and shuddering in the cold as my tights and ‘cute’ mini skirt will not shield me from the fierce wind. Well, thankfully I’m not alone. My friend Uwa and her sister are also with me by the curb of this highway 401 West and the cars are racing swiftly like there’s a hot chase of 2011 down the road.
As they rushed past, car after car. I wondered aloud, “will anyone even stop”, “Does anyone even care to find out why there’s three young ladies stranded and helpless on the highway” So, it was only a few minutes after we set out for new year’s eve service that the car ceased and just refused to move.
Are you serious”? uhmm, the devil is a Liar! My friend exclaimed after a few minutes standing there and feeling sorry for myself that i wont be able to glide into the new year in grand style with other congregants, I began to think of Nigeria and how I would have found a fellow or two to push the car to start…dannng!!!
Next car zooms past, *splashes water* and I snap out of my thought.
11:00pm, so like joke like joke, I wont go to church tonight??
Anyways, after a few calls and distress messages, we finally get help from a friend abandoning the car for tow and off we went, on our merry way to church.
The Living Arts Centre was packed, I was definitely destined to sit in overflow today and watch a screen and so it was..just as predicted and within 3seconds and after a few raps, I was bumped to the front row in a very comfy sit.
its a little past 11pm on the last day of 2010 and despite it all I made it to church and I’m grateful. Its just in time for praise, I asked the greying gentleman behind me who couldn't have been much less than 60 if it was okay for me to get crazy and occupy some of the extra space to dance off 2010. With a sweep of his arms, he said, "Please! Be my guest." So praise and thanksgiving I did….4…3….2…1..HAPPPY TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN!!
Its been an amazing last year and I am excited and ready for what 2011 has to offer because I am convinced it will be a memorable year.
Have a good year ahead!
Remember, what it will turn out to be is entirely up to you. Play an active role in your life this year. Take the drivers seat.
Yours Anew
Bourgy Babe
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